
Shops of farm machinery, its spare parts, supply chain, repairs, 'Custom Hiring Centres' related to machinery to remain OPEN from Apr 20

Shops of farm machinery, its spare parts, supply chain, repairs, 'Custom Hiring Centres' related to machinery to remain OPEN from Apr 20
That is highly significant. Engelmann and Carnine don't look at the book when they develop instruction; they
developed most of their instruction before they wrote their book. They haven't memorized various sequences from their
own book, either. They simply apply the logic of their own theory to new content, and essentially recreate
manifestations of their theory. Put another way, one very good indication that Engelmann and Carnine are operating
within the framework of a theory is that they are constrained to adhere to their own theory. One can only religiously
conform to a theory that exists. It strikes me as absolutely fantastic that the published Direct Instruction programs–
before or after the theory book–are consistent in terms of how examples of given types are ordered and sequenced.
(Some variation exists due directly to refinements in the theory.) Absolutely no other published programs of any type
demonstrate such consistency, at such a level of detail. Absolutely no other published programs have an underlying,
consistent rationale for the examples they use and the order they use them in. It's quite likely that few authors of

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